How would you like to see yourself at your Boudoir photography session?
Are you more comfortable with the White Sheets Sunday morning look?
Or Perhaps the Saturday night dark moody light?
Or why not both?
Here are a few things to think about when booking your boudoir photography session.
Remember you will be down to your underwear so please don’t have a heavy meal just before the session, it may bloat you or leave you feeling fatigued and uninterested.
When you schedule your Boudoir photography session, think about the time of the month, eg. when you have your periods. It is really a good time to avoid a Boudoir photography session for the same reason as above.
Think about wearing loose fitting clothes when you travel to your boudoir shoot so you don’t mark your body.
Try not to get sunburnt prior to your shoot? If you love the tanned look, you’re better off with a spray tan.
Boudoir photography can be costly so splurge a little more and buy some beautiful, well-fitting lingerie. Get yourself measured properly at your local lingerie boutique. Lingerie that fits perfectly can change your body shape to help you look even better. We have many girls coming in with beautiful new lingerie, many purchased from Honey Birdette. Do you need help with selecting your lingerie? I can help you go shopping or going through your drawers. Just ask when we chat on the phone.
Check in the mirror what you will wear before the event. If you want to wear a bra and pants combination but you don’t like your tummy you may wish to choose a baby doll, bodysuit or corset instead. You will feel more comfortable and they are much more flattering. However, I can always pose you in a way that your tummy is not the main feature so please feel ok with whatever you wish to wear.
Give yourself time to relax and feel pampered and have fun with the whole experience. So please, keep the whole day free for yourself! You don’t want to feel stressed because you scheduled something else after.
Keep an open mind and trust your Boudoir photographer will come up with something amazing.
Don’t get stuck on one inspirational image. Not every studio will have the same props or lightening or backgrounds etc to do a replica of the shots you had in mind. But, bring along your ideas as we can always improvise.
Don’t choose clothes that you haven’t tried on for a while. Before coming in, please try on your clothes, look in the mirror and if it fits and looks great, bring it, if it doesn’t, leave it at home.
Consider creating different looks. You could spice up the variety of your outfits. To make the shoot interesting bring different types of outfits. Don’t just bring 5 black corsets for example.
Many girls have never worn stockings, ever! If that is you, please keep them in the packaging (stockings are easily torn). For more tips about what stockings to buy, check out my youtube video giving an overhaul on what to buy etc. And you will get an idea of who will be taking your photos!
Please cut off tags and labels on pieces that show through sheer fabrics. I do have scissors if you forget!
Now the most important thing to remember in a Boudoir photography session is to have fun, love the experience and trust you are in good hands. If you are a little nervous because of your size, sex, gender or race, relax, you have come to the right place.
Here are Makeup tips here if you prefer to do your own.
This is one of my favourite poses. I tell you, it suits everyone!

Here is a very rough Boudoir photo of myself! Just in case you wanted to see who is behind the lens. Just a self-timer on my phone, it is bad quality but it was a quick idea I had. So now you know who your photographer is, isn’t it time to get on the phone and book your boudoir photography session? Ring on 0407017044. By the way, I am now trading under my name Eleanor Godley